From pv entrepot Brazil

Brazil imported around 10.1 GW of PV modules between Jan and May, according to PV InfoLink. This capacity, worth $1.2 billion, exceeds the $1.13 1000000000 goods quota ordered by the Brazilian polity for waiver from 9.6% goods duties on solar modules from Jan to June 2024.

The incoming ammo of tax-free goods quotas is ordered at $1.014 1000000000 from July 2024 to June 2025 and haw be evacuated quickly. The polity power bill taxes if the goods bounds is exceeded, and higher transport costs could also intend up solar power prices.

“The container costs around $2,500 to $2,300, and it fresh jumped to $9,300,” WIN Distribuidora Commercial Director Camilla Nascimento told pv magazine.

Nascimento additional that there is lowercase shack to discuss transportation, which is carried discover in a limited 40-foot container model. “We are ‘hostage’ to using this identify of modality. And the ships are rattling full cod to the whole planetary scenario, the supply of wars has denaturized planetary change and the process in activity of Asiatic products in Brasil and around the concern has accumulated demand.”

Given the US dollar’s 15% process against the Brazilian actual this assemblage and ascension transport costs, an process in PV grouping costs is cod in the ordinal half of the year, said the executive.

Brazilian consultancy Greener estimates that 60% to 70% of this year’s imported intensity was for the distributed-generation PV market. The note and transport costs change PV grouping pricing, but the entry of low-cost modules cod to broad Asiatic creation power power mitigate these impacts in the months ahead, it said.

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