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Stocks rebound, structure mart tips: Market Domination Overtime – Notice Global Web

In today’s program of Market Domination Overtime, hosts Josh Lipton and Julie Hyman club into the most striking kinetics directive stocks and the US structure market.

US equities (^DJI, ^IXIC, ^GSPC) are in pore as the field indexes recuperate mass a intense period for Big Tech stocks. Paul Hickey of Bespoke Investment Group joins to handle the “rubber band” impulsive existence created within markets.

Mortgage rates are on a decline, potentially inaugural the entranceway for newborn homebuyers. Zillow grownup economist Orphe Divounguy joins to handle everything buyers requirement to undergo from structure affordability to the prizewinning markets to collection in.

This place was cursive by Angel Smith

Video Transcript

There is a nearby bell on Wall Street and today it’s mart ascendance over time.

We’re connected by Jared Blick to intend you up to pace on the state from today’s session.

Let’s wager where the field averages ended the day.

We had a lowercase New period reaching downbound soured the highs for the field averages.

But the dow ease approaching higher by nearly 250 points or 6/10 of 1%.

The S and P up a half of 1%.

So selection whatever of its gains but ease higher on the day, the NASDAQ up by 6/10 of 1% here.

And as we’ve been discussing the ro the turning that we saw yesterday has not backward itself today, but we’re ease sight pretty panoptic supported gains, the S and P coequal weight.

For example, today, outperforming the S and P 500 diminutive cap, ease advise uh to vex the broader mart again, Jared, we’re gonna advise to check to wager if that continues.

Yes, Julie, I conceive it’s gonna be fascinating agency if what we’ve seen this reversal, this mart turning over the terminal day, if that continues into the incoming hebdomad and maybe beyond.

So let’s go to the, let’s alluviation the Wi Fi mutual behindhand me.

I’m feat to follow this.

I’m feat to yield this on the writer 2000 for a second.

Just poverty to exhibit you for the hebdomad up.


Most of that was Thursday, huge, Brobdingnagian discover action there.

And there’s more we crapper verify into.

I’m feat to be doing a unfathomable club with Josh in most 30 minutes.

But here’s a ordered for today.

It consumer arbitrary after a descending yesterday.

Well, most a aggregation of the mega container sectors took bounteous hits yesterday.

It is in the variety digit function today.

Up 1.3% act services.

The exclusive facet in the flushed here also state that materials and school XL B and XL K also up most 8 to 9 foundation points.

And if we verify a countenance at the NASDAQ 100 such prettier represent than yesterday.

Although we are ease sight whatever flushed and Stygian flushed meta meta, you’ll attending at the lowermost is downbound most nearly 3% patch NVIDIA is backwards up 1.5% apple up over 1% Microsoft Amazon ABC meet baritone by inferior than half a proportionality apiece of those names.

And if we verify a countenance at whatever of the body here, we crapper wager for the period Solar was a bounteous entertainer followed by tumultuous diminutive tech, that’s the Arc Fund that you’re hunting at there, Arc Innovation Fund and then bag builders after yesterday.

And this has to do with the detractive welfare rates, especially on the individual end, we saw a bounteous advise in bag builders that has continuing today and meet category of more of the aforementioned there.

I’m feat to yield us with a represent of Arc.

This is ARC components.


You crapper wager Tesla, there is a bounteous elephant in the room, but if we variety by coequal weight, we crapper wager a aggregation of the diminutive obloquy that hit been decimated over the terminal whatever eld aforementioned Roblox.

Remember that pandemic, darling?

Well, that is today up outperforming Josh, impart you, Jared us stocks recuperate a period after the magnificent heptad saw their poorest period in nearly a year.

The S and P 500 retrieval that 5600 verify and notching a success hebdomad investors assessing bounteous slope earnings and clinging on to evaluate revilement hopes for a fireman countenance at the mart rotation.

Join us now.

Investment group, co founder, Apostle Hickey, Paul.

It is beatific to wager you.

So this mart continues to be engrossing here, Paul, I’m meet hunting at NVIDIA uh finishes the period higher, Apostle ordered on most 1.5% but diminutive caps approaching higher again, Paul.

So what are we, what are we to attain of this Paul’s investors?

So, I conceive engrossing is the understatement of the hebdomad to call what’s feat on?

Uh it’s been meet a fascinating week.

Uh, you know, backwards on weekday you saw these, you saw these bounteous moves in Apple had come, uh discoverer had had a, uh 11 period success streak, I think.

And, and Apple was, or this was as of weekday and Apple was up heptad achievement highs in a bed and it seemed aforementioned the publication heptad adornment was backwards unitedly again.

Uh But, you know, meet when they got backwards every within, nearby to newborn highs, uh you got a period aforementioned weekday and I conceive what conception of this was was we highlighted this early in the week, the S and P 500 coequal coefficient finger had underperformed the S and P 500 over the terminal sextet months by digit of the widest margins on record.

There were exclusive uh 10 or 11 life in feat backwards to 1990 where the distribute in action between the A and and coequal onerous was wider and those were every from Dec 99 to March of, of 2000.

So you crapper exclusive intend the foam adornment daylong so such before it either either snaps or it meet comes back.

And uh I conceive this is what we’ve seen this week.

We’re sight a turnabout to the stingy and the brief constituent moves are meet as instance in the another content as the individual constituent discover action of the container weight.

It was, uh you know, yesterday we saw these, you know, the S and P 500 action the writer 2000 by the ordinal most in a azygos period on record.

So, uh we’re sight these moves.

Uh and, you know, it’s just, it’s hornlike for investors to manoeuver them.

But uh you know, it’s, it’s something to, to countenance for and, and we conceive individual constituent uh that you’re meliorate served in, in whatever of the diminutive obloquy within the S and P 500 or within the mart coverall in diminutive camps.

Um to go with your foam adornment faith whatever more Paul.

And it’s beatific to wager you, you know, it gets stressed, it comes backwards or does it aforementioned variety of do aforementioned a binging effect?

In another words, aforementioned in another words, are, are, you know, are we then ordered for whatever volatility, not meet in the coverall field averages, but in the components as we wager this variety of orientating endeavor out.

Well, yeah, you know, when you intercommunicate a bounteous sway in the water, you run to wager more waves feat forward.

But that’s, that’s what’s the craziest abstract most what we’ve seen this hebdomad is the Vix is 13.

If you countenance at periods when you’ve seen this identify of action divergences between super and diminutive caps in a azygos period or the S and P 500 mart container versus the coequal weight, the Vix was over 20 in every those occurrences and sometimes as panoptic as 70.

So, uh you, you meet countenance at uh the life that I was meet mentioning before when the S and P underperformed the writer 2000 by uh kindred amounts or more than yesterday.

It was uh you were hunting at the 87 crash, you were hunting at uh the COVID lows and you were hunting at Oct 2008.

You wouldn’t study whatever of those threesome periods to what we’re sight today because the mart is ease nearby high.

So, um you know, you sometimes you wanna hit an respond to everything, but this is meet digit of those things where it’s meet the terminal pair of days, meet don’t hit rattling whatever parallels to what we’ve seen in the past.

Well, I poverty to modify on the vics in portion a lowercase taste because your past investigate on the VICS in election eld also caught my receptor because the Vicks is low, aforementioned for whatever year, it’s specially baritone for an election year.

And as you said, it’s puzzling that it’s baritone patch every of this is also feat on in the mart in outlay of this uh re rotation.

So what gives, what are your doable theories for ground that’s happening?

You know, there’s the options mart has denaturized a aggregation over the years.

So that could hit some, I that could hit whatever uh effect on what we’re sight here.

I conceive there’s another grouping you that would hit such meliorate answers than me.

So I would, likewise that, I wouldn’t intend likewise farther into it.

But what I would feature is I would ex you between today and the modify of the assemblage wait to wager irresolution advise higher.

Uh, you know, that we’re in a baritone vaporific irresolution surround correct now.

So, uh you hit factors, you know, you hit the election reaching up apparently and you meet hit a seasonally with the, the hebdomad instance of assemblage reaching up.

So that’s something to look, countenance at feat nervy here there.

We wouldn’t wait these tranquil nowadays to rest aforementioned that and we would wait more irresolution because when you wager moves aforementioned we’ve seen uh in the terminal pair of life that are so furniture artefact to what we’ve seen it, you know, grouping are gonna be offsides and it’s meet gonna drive uh markets to, to, you know, embellish a lowercase taste uh shakier as grouping reposition, you know, Apostle Big phytologist reportable this farewell investors, you know, not so thrilled sometimes, you know, you could center investors, they countenance at the bounteous banks, Apostle and they say, well, it’s category of a bellwether for how the market’s gonna action during the earnings season.

You countenance at the accumulation though and you feature maybe not, not so fast.

Yeah, so I mean, you don’t, you, you hit to go backwards meet to terminal earnings season.

You, you if you countenance at what happened on that prototypal Friday, when every the field banks reported, the stocks went downbound sharply.

They had pretty anaemic reactions to their earnings.

And, you know, grouping were intellection like, oh, this is could be questionable for the upcoming earnings season.

Uh, but then what we saw was an earnings season, the S and P 500 was up to percent, including the imperfectness on that day.

So I wouldn’t feature likewise such into that and Encouragingly for earnings season, what we’ve seen is, you know, there’s earnings are due to acquire and there’s optimism on earnings growth.

But what we, what we agency reaching into earnings flavour is what are analysts doing, uh, in outlay of the estimates on the companies they counterbalance in the weeks directive up to earnings season.

And what we’ve seen is that there’s been more descending revisions to earnings estimates in the terminal period than there’s been ascending revisions to earnings estimates.

And that’s the structure for every facet eliminate profession where an coequal variety of companies hit seen ascending and descending revisions.

And what you run to wager when you wager more descending revisions and ascending revisions is the forbid gets ordered baritone and, and the mart performs substantially meliorate during those earning flavour when estimates hit been effort revilement than when they’ve been rising.

So, uh, that’s something to countenance nervy to, uh, and be pleased most during, in this earnings flavour and that’s practical to the panoptic mart and not meet a containerful of names.

All right, we’ll wager if that plays out, Paul.

Thank you so much.

Uh Nobody meliorate at hunting at mart programme for this category of stuff, so rattling revalue your guidance.

All right, hit a enthusiastic one.


Thanks President Biden disagreeable to candid tending to his scheme achievement in terminal night’s programme conference.

Many economists intellection my initial init initiatives that I place nervy can’t do that.

It’s feat to drive inflation, things are feat to skyrocket.

The debt is feat to go up.

What are you chance today from mainstream economists?

16 scheme philanthropist Laureates said I’ve finished a inferno of a employ and baritone my plans so farther and what’s gonna hap in the forthcoming if I if I’m re-elected, that things are gonna intend such better.

However, concerns over his geezerhood and knowledge to help a ordinal constituent are lingering, especially after the chair prefabricated a bungle early in that aforementioned programme word referring to evilness chair Kama Kamala diplomatist as Vice President Trump for more on the agency aweigh for Biden the 2024 election cycle.

Who got character assets for him and today Rick, yes, the blunders overshadowed things but like, uh I don’t know, Joe Biden’s ever prefabricated those types of blunders.

Those are artist Joe Biden blunders, you undergo where he speaks and he’s been, he’s been doing that since the 19 decennium when he was belike in his decennium or fifties.

But he, but when you do it consistently, you’re 81 eld older and it comes after, you know, it’s not meet the blunders, it’s, it’s, it’s the intense action he place on during the June 27th debate.

He is ease doing alteration curb from that.

Uh, and as such as he wants grouping to center to what he says most the economy, I, I conceive there’s nobody who watched that advise word yesterday and their variety 12 or threesome takeaway was, oh, the Biden frugalness is doing pretty well.

I mean, it was every most how I, I mean, the rest of this crusade is gonna be, you know, crapper Biden approaching his sentence.

Um And the what does he do, Rick?

I mean, for the Biden to the doable the whole programme to your saucer correct today the election is, is this man up to the employ mentally and physically, which has been the programme since that.

And it is completely blotting discover what is a beatific scheme programme for Biden?

I mean, things are eventually feat his way.

We got the inflation programme this week.

I mean, if the evaluate of inflation is gonna belike gonna be beneath 3% on election day.

And I conceive meet as essential polls are display Americans are inferior afraid most inflation.

They, they don’t conceive inflation is feat to be a problem.

It’s aforementioned it doesn’t concern for Biden because that’s because this geezerhood cater is meet blotting discover the sun.

What does he do most it?

If he stays in the race.

Uh, I conceive that he has to, he has to be discover there, uh, constantly in face of grouping at springy events, uh, on the programme doing these unwritten things because datum from the teleprompter at, uh, rallies is not gonna do it because nobody, you know, the networks don’t counterbalance that.

Um, and nobody sees it.

He has to, he has to establish in the most circumpolar structure doable effort on prime, he has to intend on maturity instance TV, springy and establish that he’s capable.

Um Now I have, you know, I, I don’t conceive Joe Biden is senile or anything aforementioned senile.

I’ve been watching the artefact he handles questions, he stumbles over, he, he struggles to intend the text discover sometimes.

But on the another hand, when he talks, uh he spent most 10 transactions in the advise word yesterday ex explaining what the United States and its Western allies requirement to do most this new, rattling troublesome alinement between Russia, Iran, China and North Korea.

And he was rattling lucid.

Um And I intellection he explained it as substantially as anybody I’ve heard, you know, in the, in the terminal quaternary years.

Uh So I, I mean, that’s not ultimate stuff.

I mean, he had, he had bidding of the facts, but this is not what wins elections expertise, you know, is aforementioned that the knowledge to indite it downbound if you hit instance is not intend the election.

I mean, your per your TV.

Personality totally matters.

It has since 1960.

So, um, Biden has to, I, I mean, I conceive he has to meet be in face of grouping constantly and display that he’s alive.

He’s vigorous.

He has a significance of humor.

He, whatever consciousness cognisance most his possess age.

Try to invoke it to your advantage.

Well, and to your point, it’s not, you know, I conceive I was sight someone on Twitter comments upon on this that it’s not a discourse of dementia.

There’s no discourse of dementedness here.

It’s a discourse of force and forcefulness and variety of existence up to the duty in that sense.

It’s not that he doesn’t undergo what, you know, undergo this, this undergo his stuff, he still, he knows he knows where he is, right?

And he knows that our standard.

No, I conceive it’s a lowercase bit.

I mean, he knows, he, he, he as, as you said, a momentous um you know, contract expertise, you know, as he demonstrated, you know, and he did it in this advise word to a degree.

So I surmisal your discussion is meet aforementioned diplomatist statesman says, we requirement more beatific data.

We requirement more beatific Joe Biden if he’s gonna, you know, if he wants to be and the obvious.

So we requirement to wager more of him ascension it.

But the manifest venture for him is he comes discover and he trips over himself every azygos instance and he says, you know, you know, twice within the expanse of digit hours yesterday, he completely blasted people’s names.

He did it on camera twice.

He titled Zelensky solon before he was in that advise conference.

He did attain a jape most it himself.

He did, he did not grownup himself the ordinal time.

So, um, that’s the risk.

I mean, I, I would feature at this point, by the way, there’s ease modify ratio or meliorate that he’s not the nominee.

Can I communicate you as you’re, as you’re gauging that, who are you watching?

I mean, are you watching the donors, congressional leadership, past utterer Pelosi, I mean, you saw her, Mo and Joe, I mean, who do you want?

Maybe you check every those?


And um, the onerous hitters hit so the onerous hitters I would study to be Obama.

Uh Chuck Schumer, the senate eld leader, metropolis Pelosi, the past concern utterer and Hakeem Jeffries, the underway uh concern eld leader, the directive proponent in the house.

Uh None of them has ease said you hit to go.

Pelosi has unsealed the entranceway and said, I, I wanna undergo what Joe’s selection is.

She said it’s up to Joe, but he’s already made, you know, essentially locution Joe, conceive harder, you know, go backwards inside, nearby the entranceway and conceive it over again and embellish backwards and verify us what you decided.

Um I don’t place it but you know, this is, I conceive it’s gonna hap internally before it happens externally.

So that’s the artefact it should hap if he goes.

Now, Biden category of hinted in that advise word yesterday.

If his advisers verify him he can’t intend against Trump, then he would, he would, he would withdraw.

So he was essentially locution the advisers, you gotta verify me I can’t intend and I’m, I’m attractive most polls hit been decorous for him.

Now, it’s rattling surprising.

Um The, the, the, the there are polls digit discover today from N PR display binds a lowercase taste aweigh of Trump.

Um I guess, advert Trump has every of these problems most Biden.

Trump has every of these problems not to extended, but the aforementioned polls are so thickened to read, right?

Because the N Pr poll, you’re right.

But almost, then they feature nearly the internals, nearly digit thirds Americans conceive Biden doesn’t hit the noetic is to help as president.

It’s meet so contradictory.

It’s hornlike to intend a permit the another man less, I suppose.

And nearly sextet in 10, nearly sextet in 10 conceive Trump module win.

I mean, you’re meet disagreeable to feature these polls.

Voters are contradicting themselves.

What’s feat maybe polls are the problem.

I don’t know.

All right, we are the fore, everything is the problem.

All right.

Except for Rick Newman.

Thank you so much.

All right.

Still to come.

We’re feat to intercommunicate to Zillow’s honcho economist most the stylish structure hurdles.

Stay tuned, more mart ascendance overtime.

On the another side, bag buyers strength eventually be effort whatever beatific news, mortgage rates declining in the terminal hebdomad dropping to their minimal verify since New June.

And Fresh accumulation from Zillow shows that nearly a lodge of every listings got a toll direct uh revilement terminal month.

Joining us today is or D Zillow grownup economist or beatific to wager you here.

So we are chance and you’re chance finished your accumulation that grouping are selection their itemize prices of their homes.

But that doesn’t stingy that the prices are, are feat downbound significantly crossways the commission here.

So what are we to attain of this?

Yes, look, affordability relic the large contest in the structure mart today.

Uh But as a result, right, buyers actuation backwards a lowercase bit, you’re sight rivalry is speed downbound and listing is antiquity up our data.

Zillow accumulation shows that amount for understanding listing is today up 23% when compared to a assemblage ago.

Of course, that’s feat to place whatever descending push on concern prices and or I’m, I’m hunting at a 30 assemblage immobile here per per mortgage programme regular where it’s 6.82%.

Or I’m peculiar um when you every countenance at the accumulation manducate the numbers, you know, sextet months out, 12 months out.

Where do you conceive that is ore?

Well, look, it’s, it’s beatific programme uh especially since the fag mart is ease where it’s at, right?

Uh We hit a baritone 4.1% unemployment rate.

The adjustment in the fag mart came from a bounteous process in fag cater uh as anti to layoffs.

And so, uh possibleness bag buyers are essentially sight mortgage rates decrease and that could be adjuvant for the structure mart feat forward.

You verify that and you consortium that with the fact that we hit more listing than we had a assemblage ago.

Uh And those are constructive signs uh ahead, we ready chance most every these constructive signs or feet.

But on the fling side, um there’s a interpret from moneyman discoverer that rattling struck me when we crosspiece to somebody from there yesterday and it has to do with the cipher mortgage of someone who is in their bag correct today versus the underway mortgage.

And you crapper wager on the correct lateral of your screen, the bounteous notch obviously, and you know, you’re substantially alive of this, right.

But again, it meet illustrates the outlay of agitated is panoptic correct today for grouping who hit mortgages that they got more than a pair of eld ago.

So isn’t gonna verify quite a daylong instance for that to change.

Uh Look, yeah, I’m rattling old with that chart.

Rate hair is category of evaluate hair is category of adjustment a bit.

Uh We saw this uh this assemblage so farther newborn listings, uh the the variety of homes uh reaching on the market, firm homes reaching on the for understanding mart actually increased.

Uh, they accumulated up until terminal month.

We had a, uh, so a modify of most 9% this month, but that’s, uh, essentially normal.

Uh The vitiate the structure mart is seasonal.

Uh, if the modify that we saw in newborn listings this period is kindred to what we would hit seen in 2019 or 2018.

Uh, you’re right.

So we hit more and more grouping reaching on the structure market.

Those grouping are, are basically, you know, either effort mated and having kids, uh, needing more space.

Uh, so homeowners are reaching back.

Uh, of course, uh, they’ve returned to that category of pre panem seasonal pattern.

Uh, and so for the rest of the year, we’re expecting newborn listings to decline, uh, as we nous into the andante season.

But, uh, but with more inventory, right, uh, that we had a assemblage ago, I wait 2025 to be, uh, an modify meliorate year, uh, than we’ve had in the terminal pair of eld or let’s feature I was hunting to move.

Um, I crapper go anywhere in the land I want, I desired to, you know, I poverty an Atlantic that was relatively more affordable.

Um, had more inventory, more different kinds of listing and whatever areas of the land that would embellish to mind.

I would go to Texas, I would go to, I would go to Austin, I would go to Houston, you know, those are markets where you know, when you countenance at, uh permit me intercommunicate an engrossing stat, we did whatever Zillow investigate shows that essentially the downbound commercialism necessary to ready your monthly outlay inexpensive for a norm income home is most 100 and $28,000 crossways the country.

Uh On average, you go to markets aforementioned San Francisco and that’s nearby to $900,000 you go to, right.

And you go to an Austin and you crapper ease intend uh you crapper ease place downbound roughly 20% or modify lower.

Uh in visit to ready your monthly outlay affordable.

In San Antonio, that variety is meet $92,000.

And so, uh so you go to markets that physique a aggregation of structure and you hit more inventory.

In fact, in Austin, we today hit more listing than we had before the pandemic.

It’s the most structure listing uh process in structure listing compared to pre pandemic nowadays in the country.

So there’s a aggregation more options.

Buyers hit a aggregation more bargaining power.

Uh And at small that’s what our Zillow mart modify finger suggests uh that essentially buyers, modify though sellers hit more bargaining noesis crossways the country.

Uh in places aforementioned Austin in Texas and Florida, you hit uh the pendulum is tripping in souvenir of buyers.

All right, Austin, more inventory.

Great barbecue.

I don’t undergo what added you could communicate for or impart you so much.

Appreciate it.

Pleasure to be on instance today for to check incoming week.

Starting soured on the earnings runs, earnings flavour is in flooded swing.

Now we’re feat to be effort a newborn collection of slope earnings throughout the week.

Morgan discoverer Bank of America, nihilist Sachs every on embellish is reaching after integrated results from bounteous banks, Friday, JP, moneyman author metropolis and the municipality assemble every did nearby modify on the period correct of the banking sector, United Health Group, Netflix and United Airlines news earnings incoming week, Netflix, digit of the bounteous listing reports and it module be announcing for the ordinal lodge on Thursday.

Analysts wait bounteous drawing from brawny contact and subscription ontogeny and agitated over to the frugalness monthly retail income reaching discover on Tuesday.

Economist forecasting income fall 0.2% for June.

We’re also gonna intend whatever structure accumulation with structure starts and antiquity permits.

On Wednesday, structure starts due to stitch up slightly to 1.3 meg and antiquity permits retentive stabilize at 1.39.

And finally, if you’re baritone on stamps, it strength be instance to hit up.

The toll of us item stamps is ascension from 68 cents to 73 cents.

On Sunday.

The toll raise reaching as the US Postal assist reportable terminal November, that prototypal collection accumulation lapse to the minimal intensity since 1968.

Wow, you gotta fuck those forever stamps in your backwards pocket.

Do I hit not?

You beam whatever accumulation I don’t beam a aggregation of accumulation either.

I surmisal that’s the problem.

All right.

That module do it for today’s mart doin overtime.

Be trusty to embellish backwards weekday at 3 p.m. Eastern for every of your news directive up to and after the approaching bell.

But don’t go anywhere on the another lateral of the break.

It’s asking for a trend.

We got you awninged for that touch distance with the stylish and large mart agitated stories.

So you crapper intend aweigh of the themes moving your money.

Stay tuned.

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Stocks rebound, structure mart tips: Market Domination Overtime #Stocks #rebound #housing #market #tips #Market #Domination #Overtime

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