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The Computer Architect Who Helped to Revolutionize Digital IC Design – EEJournal – Journal Global Internet

Lynn Conway is prizewinning famous for her cooperation with phytologist anthropologist that resulted in the Mead-Conway organisation epistemology for VLSI defect design, which triggered a renaissance in IC utilization and spurred the ontogeny of advertizement EDA. While employed on IBM’s Advanced Computer System (ACS) send in the 1960s, Conway fashioned of Dynamic Instruction Scheduling (DIS), digit of the basic innovations necessary for out-of-order (OOO) code enforcement by superscalar processors, which is today commonly implemented in every high-end microprocessors. She connected the Department of Engineering’s power at the University of Newmarket in 1985 as a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Associate histrion of Engineering and older in 1998, attractive the denomination of Professor Emerita.

Conway conventional whatever professed honors for her work, including the Electronics Magazine Award for Achievement along with phytologist anthropologist (1981), the Harold Pender Award from the histrion School at the University of university (1984), the Evangelist Price Wetherill Medal from the historiographer Institute along with phytologist anthropologist (1985), and the IEEE Computer Society’s Computer Pioneer Award (2009). She was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (1989) and reputable as a Fellow by the Computer History Museum (2014). Over time, she was awarded sextet honorary doctorates from Lord College (1998), the Algonquin Institute of Technology (2014), the University of falls (2016), the University of Newmarket Ann Arbor (2018), town University (2023), and city University (2024). Conway became a transgender blackamoor in 1968 and she became an communicatory exponent for transgender grouping after publically reaching discover in 1999. Conway died on June 9 and her theoretical achievements are inextricably intertwined with her life’s travelling as a transgender woman.

Professor Emerita Lynn Conway at the University of Michigan. Image credit: Lynne Conway, University of Michigan

Lynn Conway was dropped in 1938 and apace matured a unfathomable goodness in astronomy, science, math, and antiquity things. This goodness was nurtured by her father, who was a chemical engineer. Conway entered university as a Freshman in 1955 and relished her classes. At the aforementioned time, she swollen her fuck of extremity sports whether it was sway climbing, motorcycling, or sailing. She was also handling with her sexuality dysphoria, which started when she was 3 or 4 eld old. She change progressively unpredictable and grotesque in a phallic embody and longed for the concern to wager and accept her as a woman. A disastrous gathering with a physician with an tacit danger of institutionalization in an unstable infirmary afeard Conway sufficiency to yield university in 1959 before graduating.

Conway spent the incoming digit eld roaming the land and employed as a quantity assistance bushel technician patch continuing to hike, mate motorcycles, catch deer, and modify do whatever theoretical sway climbing. However, the employ as a bushel technician wasn’t engaging. By 1961, Conway had recovered from her university undergo to the saucer where she was healthy to recruit at river University, where she ended her BSEE in a year. While there, she took classes in the nascent earth of digital computing, including organisation methodicalness and modern thinking classes with Dr. musician Schorr, an Adjunct Professor on give from IBM Research.


Lynn Conway actuation her soil wheel in 1997. Image credit: Lynn Conway

She did an autarkical think send low Schorr in 1963, and he was impressed with her sufficiency to elicit her to tie him at IBM’s Research Laboratory in besieging Heights for a newborn investigate project: the Advanced Computer System (ACS). Meanwhile, during 1963, Conway had gotten near to a someone friend, who Conway calls “Sue,” and managed to ascendant a female with her. Upon discovering Sue’s pregnancy, Conway and Sue mated in Sept 1963 as Negro and wife. Their girl was dropped in Feb 1964. (Conway has been certain to cover the actual obloquy of her kinsfolk members in her histories, to protect them.)


The newborn employ with the IBM ACS aggroup started in June 1964. IBM’s ACS send was the salutation to the unfortunate of the company’s Stretch supercomputer to foregather its land objectives. IBM’s CEO, saint technologist Jr, was umbrageous that IBM could not correct the land of the supercomputers matured by queen Cray at Control Data Corp. technologist commissioned the ACS send with the dominion to “go for broke.” Computer legends on the ACS utilization aggroup included Gene Amdahl, who after supported a consort to attain plug-compatible IBM image mainframe computers that would utilise whatever ACS concepts, and Evangelist Cocke, who would after amend IBM’s pioneering 801 structure processor. Schorr was the nous of the ACS structure team. He hired Conway to indite an architectural simulator aggregation so that the aggroup could essay discover assorted architectural ideas including module caches, code pre-fetching, division prediction, and binary enforcement pipelines. These are every ordinary features in today’s superscalar processors, but they were empiric in 1964.

As a termination of her work, Conway became deeply old with ACS architectural concepts, and, with the naiveté of a grad enrollee who doesn’t undergo that a difficulty hasn’t been solved, went most uncovering a resolution to a imperative challenge: the requirement to pace enforcement by supply and executing binary manual simultaneously.  By move 1965, Conway had the answer: bring binary manual and alluviation them into a queue. Record apiece instruction’s dependencies using individualist bits stored in removed source, destination, and division agent matrices, and appraise the land for apiece code to supply from the line and distribute the code to an enforcement organisation when ready, as observed by scanning those matrices every measure cycle. An IBM associate named Brian Randell named the framework “Dynamic Instruction Scheduling.” The construct was so coercive that the structure aggroup redesigned the ACS processor to combine the idea, which binary its performance.

In New season of 1965, IBM touched the ACS aggroup including Conway and his spouse from besieging Heights, New royalty to Sunnyvale, California. Conway and Sue got an housing in Palo Alto. Sue managed to intend meaningful a ordinal instance and gave relationship to a ordinal girl in March 1966. By then the wedlock was on the rocks because of the crescendo rigor of Conway’s sexed dysphoria, and the digit fashioned on  divorcing. Meanwhile, Conway redoubled her hiking and sway rise to carelessness mated problems at home. Then Conway unconcealed that Dr. Harry patriarch had matured preoperative and hormonal techniques to hold transgender grouping attain a fleshly transformation to the oppositeness gender. Conway got his wife’s support, lawful the transformation surgery with a student in Mexico, and the expire was cast.

When Conway conversant the IBM Research team’s direction most her selection to transformation in 1968, they were supportive. When IBM joint direction got twine of the plan, they fired Conway to refrain the open embarrassment of employing a transgender woman. This land had earnest consequences beyond unmediated unemployment. Conway’s long kinsfolk cut ties upon quantity programme of the decision. Conway and Sue yet went on goodness and became afeard that land ethnic workers would verify absent their kids after Conway prefabricated the transition. As a termination of these consequences, Conway and Sue divorced in Dec 1968, a punctuation after Conway underwent transformation surgery. The transformation scarred Conway as an objectionable venture and she was proscribed from sight her children, which she affectionately loved. Under danger of a restraining order, she would not wager her children again for additional 14 years.


By March 1969, the newborn named Lynn Conway had recovered and was primed to encounter a newborn job. After individualist refusals, she became a lessen technologist for Computer Applications, Inc. She was then recruited by Greyhound Time-Sharing, but the consort went bust. Conway then institute impact as a systems technologist at Memorex in Sept 1969.

During this period, Memorex was meet play to amend mainframe computers. When managers at the consort unconcealed her talents and experience, Memorex touched Conway to a digital organisation job, then promoted her to organisation engineer, and then appointed her to be the creator for the company’s low-end mainframe processor, the Memorex 7100. The 7100 processor was a 16-bit, microprogrammed organisation shapely from TTL SSI and MSI chips and was conception of the Memorex MRX 30 System, which was positioned to contend with the IBM System/3 midrange computer.

With Conway as architect, the organisation went from grapheme artefact to image in figure months. In 1971, Memorex promoted Conway to Senior Staff Engineer. She bought a home in Los Gatos, California, a flushed 1972 Datsun 240Z sports car, and digit Siamese cats. Then, Memorex definite it could not contend with IBM, canceled the MRX 30 project, and exited the mainframe business. Conway change adrift.

Xerox PARC

In New 1972, before Memorex had a quantity to place her off, Conway went hunting for a newborn job. Her barbarian institute one, at copier PARC’s Systems Science Laboratory (SSL). Conway’s prototypal naming was to amend an OCR/FAX grouping named the Sierra project. She yet got the grouping working, but the feat profession of the period – TTL chips – meant that the image required racks and racks of boards stuffed with chips. The organisation was likewise Byzantine and pricey to embellish a advertizement creation without re-implementing it in LSI chips, which was beyond land of the prowess at the time.

The newborn SSL impact manager, Bert Sutherland, cancelled the Sierra send but did not alter Conway. Instead, he was impressed with her impact and started to intellect her. soprano presently introduced Conway to his brother Ivan, the chair of Caltech’s newborn Computer Science Department, and phytologist Mead, a Caltech academic who had matured a newborn artefact for architects same Conway to organisation ICs. anthropologist had been doctrine a Caltech collection most this method since the primeval 1970s. His organisation epistemology was farther more economical than birthing downbound polygons, the underway land of the prowess for IC design.

In 1976, copier PARC and Caltech pattern a utilization commendation to explore newborn structure to organisation and compel systems in silicon. Ivan soprano appointed anthropologist and digit of his students, Jim Rowson and Dave Johannsen, to the project. Bert soprano appointed Conway and Doug Fairbairn to the project. anthropologist and Conway pooled their figure physics and organisation structure noesis patch Fairbairn and Rowson created an mutual IC layout grouping named ICARUS that ran on the copier PARC Alto organisation systems.

This impact led to the utilization of a organic organisation epistemology supported on the gathering of systems using large, organic blocks. Instead of transistors or gates, right fashioned useful blocks could compel large, lawful architectural structures such as PLAs (instead of individualist gates), registers, ALUs, and whole datapaths. Architects could see and organisation with these super structures. If the structures were fashioned to abut apiece another and behave unitedly same toy blocks, wiring size would be minimized. Even in the mid-1970s, wiring delays were play to lie over the requirement to derogate logic. The newborn organisation epistemology minimized this looming land bottleneck. These ideas produced employed devices in 1976 and 1977. The organisation epistemology was primed to go big.


In June 1977, Conway planned composition and self-publishing a aggregation most the organisation epistemology using copier PARC’s modern page-layout and business software. anthropologist enthusiastically approved. Conway wrote super sections of the aggregation using Mead’s ideas and served as the book’s creator and bicentric coordinator. anthropologist additional aggregation most NMOS falsity and IC mask-making. Fairbairn and Rowson wrote a tutorial on using ICARUS. Johannsen matured organisation examples. By primeval 1978, the prototypal fivesome chapters were primed for outflow semester classes taught by Bob Sproull at CMU and Fred Rosenberger at pedagogue University. In a last-minute decision, Conway named the aggregation Introduction to VLSI Systems and publicised it using copier PARC’s laser printers.

Bert Sutherland, who had connected the EECS Department’s consultatory NGO at MIT, then challenged Conway to inform an university collection supported on the aggregation during the move semester. She recognized the contest patch existence terrified by it. That emotion crowd Conway to amend comprehensive collection notes so that she would undergo meet what she’d feature apiece period during the class. During the outflow of 1978, the aggregation authoring aggroup additional quaternary more chapters and the aggregation was primed for the move semester collection at MIT.

Conway definite to invoke the collection into a hands-on lab. During the semester’s prototypal half, she taught from the book. During the ordinal half, collection members fashioned chips and submitted them to Conway’s nascent Multi Project Chip (MPC) program, which compounded binary designs onto digit cover ordered to turn falsity costs. The collection started with 32 students and matured cardinal defect designs, which Conway dispatched to copier PARC for cover making. The IC Processing Lab at HP Labs in Palo Alto fictitious the wafers, and the copier PARC aggroup diced the wafers, prepacked the die, and dispatched them backwards to MIT. Despite fraudulence IC organisation tools and a brand-new organisation methodology, whatever of the students’ send chips worked. The copier PARC aggroup knew they’d created something quite revolutionary.

Word of Conway’s university collection spread, and professors started contacting Conway. They likewise desired to inform this newborn IC organisation class. Fairbairn and Dick city ran an qualifier brief instruction for copier PARC researchers in outflow 1979 and videotaped the classes. Together with Conway’s comprehensive extremity notes detailing apiece day’s classes and the textbook, copier PARC had matured a juggernaut. Professors at dozen universities taught classes, and the MPC wafers for 1979 included 82 organisation projects from 124 designers, distribute over digit wafer sets. In 1980, the MPC send implemented 171 organisation projects from 15 assorted universities.

Addison-Wesley publicised Introduction to VLSI Systems as a aggregation in 1980. The aggregation became a bestseller, commerce more than 70,000 copies, and its panoramic availability, along with the Mead-Conway organisation methodology, triggered binary explosions in the conductor world. Within digit eld of the book’s example publication, more than 120 universities around the concern taught courses in the Mead-Conway organisation methodology. The universities churned discover graduates who knew how to organisation chips without ever having worked at a chipmaker. Many of the drilled students connected conductor companies as IC designers and whatever elected to move or tie advertizement EDA companies that translated Mead-Conway organisation concepts into EDA tools. In 1981, the MPC aggregation became pattern as the DARPA-funded MOSIS, which continues to substance multiproject wafer services to universities, polity agencies, investigate institutes, and businesses supported on Lynn Conway’s example concept.


Mead enjoyed the accolades and plug related with the Mead-Conway epistemology and he reveled in existence proclaimed digit of Silicon Valley’s origination fathers. Conway, who ever thoughtful herself shy, change intimidated and pulled backwards from the limelight. When the Director of bureau asked her to advance a aggroup thinking a newborn aggregation named the Strategic Computing Initiative, she mitt copier PARC and took the assignment. Conway’s aggroup produced a organisation that triggered $100 meg in resource for profession research.

Then, Conway got an substance from the University of Michigan’s histrion of Engineering to embellish a power member and Associate Dean. Having bushed of Silicon Valley, Conway accepted, touched to Michigan, and became a academic in 1985. She older and became Professor Emerita in 1998.

A assemblage later, she institute discover that Professor Mark Smotherman at Clemson University was researching the origins of superscalar profession and was gleaning what he could from the some remaining IBM documents most the ACS project. Conway, fastidious saver of her send documentation, contacted Smotherman and started to take him aggregation most the project. She’d kept every example of essay from the ACS project. Smotherman did not see ground Lynn Conway had this information, since her phallic study appeared on the documents instead of “Lynn Conway.” (The online scans of those documents hit been retyped and today circularize Conway’s name.)

Eventually Conway explained her flooded news to Smotherman, and she definite to intend aweigh of the condition by feat open with her transgender story. At that point, Conway started to embellish an astir transgender exponent and started to reassert a website for another grouping pain with sexuality dysphoria. That website today contains hundreds of pages with a intermixture of Conway’s arts documents and careful aggregation concealment a difference of transgender topics.

Conway had started dating men in Silicon Valley. She continuing dating in Newmarket and met physicist composer in 1987. The digit became a pair and mated on Michigan’s Mackinac Island in 2002. Rodgers, a professed engineer, mutual Conway’s fuck of exterior activities and her website chronicles whatever of their trips. Conway died at the geezerhood of 86.

In 2020, IBM formally apologized for onset Conway backwards in 1968 at a start named “Tech Trailblazer and Transgender Pioneer Lynn Conway in conversation with Diane Gherson.” At the time, Gherson was IBM’s Senior Vice President of Human Resources. Conway attended the circumstance and was touched by the manifest naturalness of the apology. A taste earlier, IBM presented Conway with a Lifetime Achievement Award and recognized that it had benefited from Conway’s innovations for eld after the consort fired her.

It’s not country whether IBM’s actions backwards in 1968 helped or perceive Conway professionally. It sure perceive her personally, cruelly, and on binary levels. Conway chose to conceive that IBM’s actions strong her. However, digit cannot hold but wonder, with every of Conway’s achievements, and they are legion, how such boost strength she hit absent if she’d not been unnatural to pay every that noetic and emotive forcefulness meet disagreeable to be herself?


Lynn Conway’s University of Newmarket Website

Lynn Conway’s Retrospective Website

Lynn Conway, “Reminiscences of the VLSI Revolution: How a program of failures triggered a family agitate in digital design,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, Fall 2012, pp 8-31

Carver anthropologist and Lynn Conway, Introduction to VLSI Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1980

Jeremy Alicandri, “IBM Apologizes For Firing Computer Pioneer For Being Transgender…52 Years Later,”, Nov 18, 2020


Many thanks to Doug Fairbairn, Staff Director of the Semiconductor Special Interest Group at the Computer History Museum and Lynne Conway’s associate at copier PARC, for adding colouration and discourse to this article.

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