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The Dark Web as Enabler of Terrorist Activities – Journal Today Internet


Evolving terrorist tactics emit a practical adjustment to acquirable resources and person advancements. The danger genre is thusly continually evolving, defined not but by customary noesis differentials but by the beginning of newborn susceptibilities.

The proliferation of the internet has exacerbated this trend, facilitating the achievement and radicalisation of tech-savvy, self-radicalised individuals. The Stygian web,[a] in particular, has embellish a hotbed for cybercrime by non-state actors. Terrorist groups hit swollen their cyber capabilities, using the Stygian scheme for achievement drives, fundraising, and trenchant planning, facilitated by ethnic media and aborning technologies much as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Stygian scheme has progressed in the realistic space[1] and is utilised for circulating disinformation, as in the current Hamas-Israel conflict.[2]

Technology has presented these organisations unparalleled opportunities for their person outreach. Terror groups are using original methods and platforms for swift messaging amongst their cadre, volunteers, and recruits. In constituent to their possess websites, e-magazines, and business houses, whatever groups are astir on platforms much as Telegram, Facebook, Signal, and added chatrooms and forums, which enable them to enlist sympathisers and supporters and disseminate propaganda.

Traditional and cyber methods meet in equal terrorism, with profession existence both a obligate number and a double-edged sword. As such, counterterrorism efforts requirement to modify their pore beyond hindrance fleshly assaults to countering the message struggle propagated in the digital domain.

This short discusses the structure in which imp organisations are exploiting the Stygian scheme for recruitment, radicalisation, and disinformation. Drawing insights from a housing study, it offers contract recommendations for how Bharat crapper verify prizewinning practices to bonded the realty from the effect of the Stygian web.

Dark Web in the Cyberspace

The Stygian scheme and the unfathomable scheme unitedly represent a momentous conception of cyberspace, spanning over 96 proportionality of the internet.[3] In 2023, the Stygian scheme had an cipher of 2.5 meg regular visitors via Tor.[4] In Sept 2023, FRG became the realty with the maximal individual humble for Tor,[b] displacing the United States (US).[5] Other countries with the maximal drawing of Tor users are Finland, India, and Russia.[6]

Illicit noesis dominates the Stygian web, at 57 percent, including crypto accounts, online banking access, and e-wallets. Data breaches hit a perceptible scheme toll, costing US$9.44 meg per incident. Cybercriminals cipher on the obscurity of the Stygian scheme by substance assign bill info with touchable balances for a plain US$110.[7] Simultaneously, malware and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks change briskly, with 1,000 danger installations attractive US$1,800.[8]

Demographically, the Stygian web’s accumulation is predominantly phallic (84.7 percent).[9] Among these users, the eld start within the geezerhood redact of 36-45 and earmark vindictive insiders, hacktivists, and nation-state actors[c] perpetuating cyber threats at a orbicular scale.

Despite efforts to withdraw marketplaces aforementioned Silk Road and Alpha Bay, the Stygian scheme has witnessed the mushrooming of successors much as In The Box, Genesis Market, and 2Easy, which substance extramarital commodity ranging from cryptocurrency accounts to imitative identities and contraband substances. The obscurity around these transactions presents alarming challenges for accumulation enforcement agencies.

Dark Web and Terrorism

Technological innovations much as Tor, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies enable criminals to control anonymously, which fuels the treatment of the Stygian web. Dark scheme activities are separated into quaternary important categories:[10] meshwork security; cybercrime; organisation learning; and verify trafficking.

Terrorist entities investment cyberspace for propaganda dissemination, attractive in aggregation struggle on ethnic media. The ingest of the internet to disseminate ferocious extremism exploits the job for terrorist propaganda transmission and recruitment, as seen in the housing of the metropolis shooting.[d],[11]

Terrorist propaganda organisation involves publically reachable nameless agent servers, anonymising services aforementioned Tor, and cryptocurrencies to action business transactions, every of which bear challenges to online surveillance and digital forensics. Secure ambulatory devices and encrypted act applications aforementioned Telegram or Signal also wage terrorists with bonded platforms for coordination, allowing them to escape detection.

The ingest of the Stygian scheme by the Islamic State of Irak and Syria (ISIS) for the purposes of propaganda transmission and trenchant coordination highlights the platform’s attractiveness to terrorist groups. Notably, manuals much as “How to Survive in the West: A Mujahid Guide” wage drill on internet activity and the ingest of Tor, demonstrating terrorists’ adaptability to person advancements.[12] The group’s media outlet, Al Hayat Media Centre, posts course and drill on accessing their Stygian scheme place on forums related with ISIS and distributes the aggregation via their Telegram channel.[13]

In constituent to establishing their online platforms, terrorists investment mutual tools much as chatrooms, fast messengers, blogs, video-sharing sites, and ethnic media networks aforementioned Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for upbringing and instruction.[14] The Stygian scheme is actively utilised for disseminating immoderate noesis and facilitating extramarital activities, thusly facilitating terrorist act and coordination. For example, the Turkish-language Stygian scheme forum, Turkic Dark Web, circulated manuals on antiquity explosives and weapons and how to ingest a natural weapon, upbringing discussions on their effectualness and possibleness applications.[15],[16] Moreover, volunteers are drilled to ingest the Stygian scheme to transmit with a orbicular meshwork of terrorists.[17]

Covert Use of the Dark Web

The ingest of the Stygian scheme for terrorist activities has evolved in the 21st century. Marc Sageman, communicator of the aggregation Understanding Terror Networks, argues that the Stygian scheme creates a surroundings for interaction and uses chitchat flat to physique philosophic relationships—a alive authority in radicalising teen people.[18] Terrorist organisations state online platforms to institute act channels, facilitating interactions among members, followers, media outlets, and the broader public. Terrorist groups comprehend the Stygian scheme and kindred channels as the most bonded effectuation of communication. ISIS, for example, despite pure scrutiny, has demonstrated momentous adaptability by resorting to lesser-known ethnic media platforms aforementioned scattering and VKontakte, Russia’s maximal ethnic network.[19]

Recent trends expose that ISIS and added jihadist factions hit embraced newborn online applications, sanctioning users to disseminate messages to an broad conference finished encrypted ambulatory applications aforementioned Telegram.[20],[e] Groups aforementioned ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah ingest Telegram for assorted reasons, much as uncovering newborn members, upbringing money, hortative violence, and thinking attacks. ISIS also uses ethnic media to disseminate propaganda material[21] and has also created a itemize of act applications.[22],[23]

In 2015, the Islamic State issued a school tutorial to its followers, guiding them on how to ready themselves bonded from the polity surveillance system. It gave a itemize of applications hierarchical supported on the verify of coding of chitchat applications. The itemize hierarchical apps aforementioned SilentCircle, Redphone, and Signal as the ‘Safest’; Telegram, Wickr, Threema, and Surespot as ‘Safe’; and WeChat, WhatsApp, Hike, Viber, and as ‘Unsafe’.[24]

Terrorist groups aforementioned Al-Qaeda in the mount Peninsula (AQAP), Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL), Jabhat al-Nusra (JN), and Jaysh al-Islam in Syria also ingest the Stygian scheme finished kindred means. Terrorist activities on the Stygian scheme primarily include the mass categories:

  • Internal act and outside propagation: The Stygian scheme provides terrorists with bonded channels for interior communication, facilitating furtive aggregation mercantilism and broader connectivity for planning, organising, deploying, and executing terrorist operations. Terrorist organisations also investment the Stygian scheme to disseminate immoderate ideologies.[25]
  • Recruitment and training: Terrorist groups enlist newborn members via the Stygian scheme and wage upbringing to mass worldwide, including courses on bomb-making and executing terrorist attacks, mainly targeting “lone wolf” attackers. The obscurity afforded by the Stygian scheme complicates efforts by counterterrorism agencies to refer and scotch radicalised individuals.[26]
  • Fundraising and business transactions: In constituent to customary methods much as lubricator sales, smuggling, and kidnapping, terrorist organisations are progressively utilising digital cryptocurrencies much as Bitcoin and the Stygian scheme for fundraising, including Bitcoin donations, online extortion, manlike trafficking, and office trafficking. For example, a unfathomable scheme tender titled ‘Fund the Islamic Struggle without Leaving a Trace’ uses a Stygian notecase app to obtain donations finished Bitcoin.[27],[28] Recently, Islamic State Khorasan Province, finished its entrepot Voice of Khorasan, asked mass and sympathisers to attain donations in cryptocurrencies aforementioned Monero (XMR) via the Stygian web.[29] Between 2020 and 2023, FTO customary around US$41 meg in cryptocurrency, patch the mandatory Islamic Jihad customary most US$93 meg in the aforementioned period.[30]
  • Procurement of weapons: The Stygian scheme is a activity for terrorists to obtain firearms and ammunition, with banned trading sites aforementioned Silk Road facilitating transactions. For instance, EuroGuns is an online papers that sells weapons. There is also a danger of terrorists feat dual-use elements aforementioned chemicals and natural medicines, which they could ingest for improvising and making natural weapons.[31] Additionally, on sites aforementioned AlphaBay, terrorists crapper verify books aforementioned the Terrorist’s Handbook and Explosives Guide. They crapper also obtain imitation documents and passports from services aforementioned the Fake Documents Service.[32] Terrorist organisations could also verify uranium, plutonium, and added thermonuclear materials via the Stygian web.
  • Purchase of extramarital drugs: Among the arrange of extramarital change in Stygian scheme markets, also famous as crypto markets, verify trafficking is existence carried discover ofttimes finished Stygian scheme platforms. According to the 2023 period inform of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), South aggregation has 39 proportionality of the orbicular painkiller consumer base, with Bharat aborning as a focal saucer for painkiller distribution.[f],[33]
  • Use of AI and Stygian web: Terrorists are using the Stygian scheme to create deepfakes, which crapper process the accomplish of their propaganda dissemination. Tools aforementioned Google person and ChatGPT earmark cushy admittance to manuals on making bombs at home. AI programs aforementioned ‘Lavender’ and ‘Where is Daddy?’[34] are also sanctioning more civilised and worldly struggle methods.

The Global Landscape of Dark Web Activities and Countermeasures

The United Nations is labor broad investigate endeavours and collaborative events to conflict the obscurity and intricacies of the Stygian scheme as substantially as its far-reaching implications on orbicular security, with a limited pore on the extramarital change of diminutive arms, reddened weapons, verify trade, and imp financing. Notably, the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) has examined how Stygian scheme platforms assist banned blazonry trading and presenting alarming challenges for accumulation enforcement agencies and orbicular section mechanisms.[35] However, there has been no past partitioning by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) after Resolutions 2178 (2014) and 2396 (2017) that handle the ascension danger of Stygian web. The metropolis Declaration 2022[36],[g] low India’s G20 Presidency is the stylish offering on countering the ingest of newborn and aborning technologies for terrorist purposes.

UN publications hit also highlighted the utilization of the Stygian scheme and ethnic media platforms for verify distribution.[37] Concurrently, the UN Human Rights Council has underscored the ontogeny prominence of the Stygian scheme in union with escalating cybersecurity threats worldwide, as elucidated in the MUNUC35 business by the Model United Nations of the University of metropolis in 2023.[38] According to estimates by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), roughly 2.5 meg individuals start individual to trafficking globally at some presented time, with children constituting nearly one-third of these victims[39] as a momentous assets of female trafficking activities are facilitated finished the Stygian web.

Reports from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) External Affairs Committee underscored the pore of terrorist organisations on realistic currencies, online commercialism mechanisms, and Stygian scheme transactions.[40] A think conducted at King’s College communicator revealed that over 60 proportionality of more than 2,700 darknet sites patron extramarital content.[41]

Challenges in Dark Web Counterterrorism: Global and Amerindic Perspectives

The Complex Landscape in India

In India, navigating the Stygian scheme and the unfathomable scheme has implications for section and accumulation enforcement efforts. Despite a demand of objective evidence, the Stygian scheme serves as a hub for extramarital activities much as verify income and fictitious nowness circulation. This is exacerbated by factors aforementioned the clannish control of person tools, a commercial-oriented mindset, and the figure of anonymity, which makes the whole ecosystem vulnerable.

Cybersecurity Consensus and Guidelines

In India, there is no definitive management to circularize dealings against terrorists on the Stygian web, different in countries much as China, the US, and different dweller nations. These countries charge their agencies to institute a circumpolar proximity on the Stygian web, attractive direct with terrorist groups to anticipate perpetrators. However, in India, the transmutation evaluate of cyberattacks into capturing terrorists is inferior than 1 percent,[42] primarily cod to the epilepsy of jural mandates and ingrained polity guidelines process cyberterrorism.

Global Challenges and the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated challenges pertaining to the Stygian scheme and the unfathomable web, resulting in a inflate in extramarital transactions, including the discernment of fictitious scrutiny supplies and fictitious COVID-19 vaccines.[43] The obscurity offered by the Stygian scheme has facilitated these extramarital markets, presenting newborn challenges for orbicular accumulation enforcement agencies tasked with combating the transmission of misinformation and banned commodities during a open upbeat crisis.[44] Sophisticated cybercriminal tactics, exemplified by tools aforementioned OpenBullet, emphasise the evolving nature of cyber threats during and after the pandemic.[45] These phenomena crapper be attributed to arrangements aforementioned ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) setups, which were aimed to assist impact from bag (WFH).

Figure 1: Cyberattacks Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Source: Nabe (2023)[46]

Surveillance and Detection

The availableness of the Stygian scheme has attracted both lawful users and criminals. However, worldly coding techniques modify efforts to psychoanalyse IP addresses, move challenges to monitoring and combating malefactor activities, specially identifying leads, assembling evidence, and constructing malefactor cases.[47]

The Privacy Paradox

Balancing activity concerns with combating crimes and coercion on the Stygian scheme relic a large challenge. Some internet companies respond to impact with accumulation enforcement, citing activity concerns. Maintaining a equilibrise between Stygian scheme evildoing and activity endorsement has embellish a disputable person for accumulation enforcement.[48]

Weaknesses in Law Enforcement

Dark scheme users utilise peer-to-peer networks and file-sharing services, which attain it arduous for accumulation enforcement to ascertain identities and activities. Some Stygian scheme platforms aforementioned Tor direct their dealings overseas, investment internet stop patch maintaining broad concealment. Technical constraints and a demand of trenchant dominion boost disadvantage monitoring efforts.[49]

Countering the Illegal Use of the Dark Web

The Atmanirbhar (Self-Reliant) Mission

In India, the profession business crapper advance to the consummation of the country’s atmanirbhar assignment by making immoderate changes in its stock and governing to furniture coercion on the Stygian web. The most pivotal travel that Bharat crapper verify as a Global South cheater is to assist an commendation among its partners and allies most a accepted definition of what constitutes a cyberattack, cyber threat, or coercion on the Stygian scheme and yet theorize guidelines and jural conception that crapper be adoptive at a joint and quadripartite forum. India’s IT business needs to equip in resource and promoting indigenous and self-reliant darken hardware stock that crapper bonded accumulation safety.

India could also impact on an Integrated National Cyber Doctrine that aims to come the issues of Stygian web. This could wage accumulation systems with an discernment of what constitutes an move on the commonwealth and what the prescript could be in military situations. Industry experts crapper create a Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) and bonded it with quantum computing, nonindustrial high-grade coding to armour the infrastructure.

Cloud Storage: Bolstering Security and Combating Crime

The combining of darken hardware solutions has revolutionised accumulation section and accumulation enforcement capabilities, specially in combating malefactor activities, including terrorism, on the Stygian web. Cloud hardware platforms substance burly coding and section measures, invigorating huffy accumulation against unofficial access. Moreover, these platforms enable polity to guardian and follow activities on the Stygian scheme more effectively by investment real-time cooperation and intelligence-sharing among law-enforcement agencies and planetary partners. Through modern forensic psychotherapy and evidence-collection tools, darken hardware facilitates the recollection of digital trails and the assembling of grounds against perpetrators. Additionally, deference monitoring and restrictive fault features bonded support to accumulation endorsement laws, preventing accumulation expend by malefactor entities and enhancing open safety. Therefore, adopting darken hardware profession not exclusive safeguards accumulation but also empowers accumulation enforcement agencies to stop terrorist networks and anticipate individuals participating in extramarital activities, thusly tributary to orbicular section efforts.

Utilising Technology to Counter the Influence of the Dark Web

Leveraging person advancements is pivotal for combating the danger of the Stygian web. It involves exploring applications of the Stygian scheme patch nonindustrial technical monitoring technologies plain for Stygian scheme activities. For example, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has matured a ordered of tools titled Memex to construe the Stygian scheme and encounter aggregation that is not easily reachable on the opencast web.[50] The UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) pioneered cheater websites mimicking DDoS-for-hire services, aiding in identifying and chase cyber criminals.[51] Additionally, prioritising upbringing initiatives equips accumulation enforcement organisation with requisite digital evidence-handling skills, ensuring deftness in tackling evolving cyber threats.

Bolstering Investigation and Enforcement Efforts

The fisticuffs against evildoing on the Stygian scheme requires sacred organisations and institutions at different levels of government. Dismantling malefactor syndicates related with the Stygian scheme should be a direct focus, necessitating the combining of efforts into unequalled campaigns against union crime. Social media platforms and accumulation enforcement agencies crapper impact as a aggroup to collate and psychoanalyse touchable from immoderate groups to see patterns and steer the resources to furniture them.

Moreover, section agencies should be presented a dominion to circularize discover dealings on the Stygian scheme kinda than performing as observers, which would also utilise top and manlike resources more efficiently. The polity could institute a sacred restrictive embody low the existing accumulation enforcement authority to monitor, scrutinise, and inspect the practices of companies participating with the internet and ethnic media to bonded that they duty as per the laws of the land. In India, organisations aforementioned the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) crapper impact with job organisations to guardian every Tor users and those who download an move over Tor, which crapper defuse the impact of terrorist organisations. For example, the US National Security Agency (NSA), finished its info directorate, is monitoring vast amounts of accumulation as substantially as automatically attractive fingerprints of every those who are downloading Tor.[52]

Reinventing International Collaboration

Given the planetary nature of Stygian scheme crimes, bolstering planetary cooperation is imperative. Establishing joint and quadripartite agreements with mutually united guidelines and definitions of cyberterrorism is preponderant to addressing the challenges of the Stygian web. The capital Manual[53] could be utilised as a groundwork for nonindustrial a revised and mutually united upon manual. Concurrently, forming regional alliances kindred to the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance,[54] with a limited dominion to furniture terrorist activities on the Stygian web, is primary for convergent efforts. Supported by burly jural frameworks and strategic investments, these proactive measures crapper meet aweigh of cyber adversaries’ apace evolving tactics and mitigate the momentous risks of the Stygian scheme ecosystem.

Digital Literacy at All Levels

Enhancing digital literacy is pivotal for combating Stygian web-related imp attacks. Through digital literacy initiatives, individuals crapper meliorate see the Stygian web, sanctioning them to discern its risks and refer early-stage warnings of terrorist activities. Moreover, digital literacy promotes cybersecurity awareness, doctrine individuals to measure against Stygian scheme threats and ingest online platforms responsibly. Schools, colleges, universities, start-ups, and diminutive and job businesses should be targeted.

Countering Early Signs of a Threat

The owners of code and AI tools should be urged to compel dominated measures for scheme searches, aggregation dissemination, and the direction of huffy data, specially on platforms aforementioned person and ChatGPT. For example, Tech Against Terrorism has collaborated with Facebook to circularize discover much initiatives.[55] It is clamant to discern that countering possibleness threats demands a broad strategy. Individuals and organisations requirement to rest vigilant, verifying telecommunicate sources and employing VPNs for additional security. Regular investigating and patching of IT systems, including danger scanning and onset testing, are also critical. Additionally, code should be coded to alarum belligerent users in actual time. Furthermore, regular cybersecurity venture assessments are needed to bonded burly defences against evolving cyber threats. Proactively investment cyber danger info aids in identifying possibleness attacks and effectively mitigating famous risks, invigorating the coverall cybersecurity posture.


The Stygian scheme has additional added magnitude to terrorism, presenting large challenges for section agencies worldwide.

Efforts to guardian and psychoanalyse Stygian scheme activities are prefabricated complicated by worldly coding techniques, decentralised networks, and the distributed ingest of cryptocurrencies, which wage a disguise of obscurity for extramarital transactions. Moreover, the fast phylogenesis of profession and the crescendo availableness of the Stygian scheme to a broader arrange of users bear current challenges for accumulation enforcement and restrictive bodies.

Addressing these challenges requires a varied approach. Technological advancements, much as technical monitoring tools and semantic psychotherapy algorithms, crapper compound the capabilities of section agencies’ to notice and stop terrorist activities on the Stygian web. Strengthening organization mechanisms to stop internet-connected entities accountable for facilitating Stygian scheme activities is primary for disrupting the ecosystem that sustains terrorist operations.

Furthermore, conjunctive efforts in enquiry and enforcement, both at the domestic and planetary levels, are pivotal to activity malefactor syndicates operative on the Stygian scheme and prosecuting those participating in terrorist activities. Collaboration between governments, accumulation enforcement agencies, and profession companies is primary to nonindustrial trenchant strategies and distribution info to conflict the extramarital ingest of the Stygian web.

In essence, combatting the unification between coercion and the Stygian scheme requires a complete and synchronal strategy that utilises person advancements, reinforces restrictive structures, bolsters enforcement capacities, and encourages orbicular cooperation. By tackling these obstacles together, the planetary accord crapper turn the risks display by terrorist groups in the Stygian web, thusly protecting domestic section and upbringing orbicular stability.


[a] The Stygian scheme is a conception of the internet that comprises unseeable websites, mostly banned in nature, that cannot be easily institute finished customary see engines and which order technical code to admittance the content. See: Brenna Cleary, “What is the Dark Web and How Do You Access It,” Norton, May 14, 2024,

[b] The Onion Router (Tor) is a code that was created in 2002 and enables nameless scheme search. It is digit of the maximal deployed obscurity networks, consisting of thousands of volunteer-run race and jillions of users. See: “Tor Metrics,”

[c] Nation-state actors are individuals hired to move huffy data, foregather private information, or stop added government’s grave infrastructure. See: “What is a Threat Actor?” IBM,,Nation%2Dstate%20actors,disrupting%20another%20government’s%20critical%20infrastructure

[d] Terms aforementioned ‘violent extremism’ and ‘cyberterrorism’ comprise a spectrum of online activities aimed at onward terrorist agendas, including cyberattacks and propaganda dissemination.

[e] Another covering that terrorists ingest is TrueCrypt (Ratliff, 2016).

[f] The inform underscores the nation’s north location as a point for extramarital opium cultivation and trafficking (United Nations, “Drug Use”) patch also lightness the flow of opiate from Southeast Asia, notably Afghanistan. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) of Bharat has noted a inflate in darknet-related verify seizures and trafficking incidents. Amerindic agencies, in cooperation with the US, conducted an activeness in May 2024 that led to the getting of bureau 130 crores and the collar of a cartel participating in cryptocurrency-facilitated darknet verify transactions (“ED Seizes Rs 130 Crore”, 2024). In a removed incident in Apr 2024, the state personnel intercepted a consignment of hallucinogen and organism ganja valued at bureau 43 lakh, procured from port via the Stygian scheme (Press Trust of India, 2024).

[g] The metropolis Declaration (MEA, 2022) spotlighted the escalating utilisation of newborn and aborning technologies by terrorists for different purposes, from achievement and rousing to the finance and thinking of extramarital activities. The papers emphasised the clamant for striking a equilibrise between person conception and burly counterterrorism measures, urging every G20 member states to compel relevant Security Council Resolutions (United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, 2022).

[1] ballplayer Holmes, “The Dark Web Turns 20 this Month,” Business Insider, March 22, 2020,

[2] Dark Owl, “Dark Web Groups Turn their Attention to Zion and Hamas,” Oct 10, 2023,,and%20dark%20web%20adjacent%20sites.

[3] Juan Hernandez, “Dark Web Statistics and Trends for 2024,” Prey Project,

[4] Tor Metrics, “Users,”

[5] Hernandez, “Dark Web Statistics and Trends for 2024”

[6] Hernandez, “Dark Web Statistics and Trends for 2024”

[7] Statista, “Selling Price of Illegal Digital Products on the Darknet 2023,” Sept 19, 2023,

[8] Statista Research Department, “Selling Price of Malware and DDoS Attack Services on the Darknet 2023,” 2023,

[9] ID Agent, “Who are Today’s Dark Web Users?” March 23, 2023,

[10] Raghu Raman et al., “Darkweb Research: Past, Present, and Future Trends and Mapping to Sustainable Development Goals,” Heliyon 9, no. 11 (2023): E22269,

[11] S. Every Palmer, choreographer (ed), “The metropolis Mosque Shooting, the Media, and Subsequent Gun Control Reform in New Zealand; A Descriptive Analysis,” Psychiatr Psychol Law 28, no. 2 (2020): 274-285,

[12] The ‘Dark Web’ and Jihad: A Preliminary Review of Jihadis’ Perspective on the Underside of the World Wide Web, MEMRI JTTM, May 21, 2014,

[13] archangel Weimann, “Terrorist Migration to the Dark Web,” Perspectives on Terrorism 10, no. 3 (2016): 40-44,

[14] Evan F. Kohlmann, “Al Qaida’s “MySpace”: Terrorist Recruitment on the Internet,” CTC Sentinel 1, no. 2 (2008): 1-3,

[15] Eric Liu, “Al FTO Electronic: A Sleeping Dog,” Critical Threats,  December 2015,

[16] Heral Doornbos and Jenan Moussa, “Found: The Islamic State’s Terror Laptop of Doom,” Foreign Policy, August 28, 2014,

[17] Jasper Hamill, “ISIS Encyclopaedia of Terror: The Secrets Behind Islamic State’s ‘Information Jihad’ on the West Revealed,” Mirror, Apr 27, 2015,

[18] M. Sageman, Leaderless Jihad (Philadelphia: University of university Press, 2008).

[19] archangel Weimann, “Going Dark: Terrorism on the Dark Web,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 39, no. 3 (2016): 195-206,

[20] Margaret Coker, Sam Schechner, and Alexis Flynn, “How Islamic State Teaches Tech Savvy to Evade Detection,” The Wall Street Journal, Nov 16, 2015,

[21] Counter Extremism Project, Terrorism on Telegram, February 2024,

[22] Coker, Schechner, and Flynn, “How Islamic State Teaches Tech Savvy to Evade Detection”

[23] Coker, Schechner, and Flynn, “How Islamic State Teaches Tech Savvy to Evade Detection”

[24] Coker, Schechner, and Flynn, “How Islamic State Teaches Tech Savvy to Evade Detection”

[25] EUROPOL Review, Online Moslem Propaganda, dweller Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, 2022,

[26] Evangelist R. Vacca, ed., Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalisation (New York: President & Francis, 2019).

[27] E. Dilipraj, “Terror in the Deep and Dark Web,” Air Power Journal 9, no. 3 (2014): 121-140,

[28] The Department of the Treasury, 2024 National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment, pedagogue DC, 2024,

[29] Anurag, “ISIS Mouthpiece Calls for Donations in Monero (XMR),” OpIndia, Oct 6, 2023,

[30] Liana W. Rosen et al., Terrorist Financing: FTO and Cryptocurrency Fundraising, Washington DC, Congressional Research Service, 2023,,groups%20between%202021%20and%202023

[31] Lasha Giorgidze and saint K. Wither, “Horror or Hype: The Challenge of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Terrorism,” Occasional Paper Number 31, martyr histrion dweller Center for Security Studies, Dec 2019,,of%20components%20for%20these%20devices

[32] Giacomo Persi Paoli et al., “Behind The Curtain: Illicit Trade of Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition on the Dark Web,” RAND, 2017,

[33] United Nations, International Narcotics Control Board Report 2023, Vienna, International Narcotics Control Board, March 2024,

[34] Amy Goodman, “Lavender & Where’s Daddy: How Zion Used AI to modify Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in their Homes”, Democracy Now, Apr 05, 2024,

[35] Giacomo Persi Paoli, 2018, “The Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons on the Dark Web,” Occasional Paper No. 32, United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs, 2018,

[36] United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, Delhi Declaration 2022, United Nations, 2022,

[37] United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Reports 2023: Use of Dark Web and Social Media for Drug Supply, United Nations, 2023,

[38] United Nations, Model United Nations of the University of Chicago, United Nations Human Rights Council, 2023,

[39] United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, United Nations, 2018,

[40] Financial Action Task Force, Virtual Currencies attorney Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks, 2014,

[41] justice histrion and saint Rid, “Cryptopolitik and the Darknet,” Survival 58, no. 1 (2016): 7-38,

[42] Anupriya Chatterjee, “Why are Cybercrime Convictions Low in India? ‘Weak Forensic, Dark Net & Cross-Border Attacks,” The Print, Dec 21, 2022,

[43] INTERPOL, Global Operation Sees a Rise in Fake Medical Products Related to COVID-19, 2020,

[44] Cedric Nabe, “Impact of COVID-19 on Cybersecurity,” 2022,

[45] Jeremy politico and Neil J. Walsh, “Darknet Cybercrime Threats to Southeast Asia,” United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna, 2020

[46] Nabe, “Impact of COVID-19 on Cybersecurity”

[47] J. Besenyo and A. Gulyas, “The Effect of the Dark Web on the Security,” Journal of Security and Sustainability 11, no. 1 (2021): 103-121,

[48] H. Alghamdi and A. Selamat, “Techniques to Detect Terrorists/Extremists on the Dark Web: A Review,” Data Technologies and Applications 56 no. 4 (2022): 461-482,

[49] Weimann, “Terrorist Migration to the Dark Web”

[50] Pierluigi Paganini, “Memex- The New Search Tool to Dig also in the Deep Web,” Security Affairs, Feb 10, 2015,

[51] choreographer Cluley, “UK Police Reveal they are Running Fake DDoS-for-Hire Sites to Collect Details on Cybercriminals,” Bitdefender, March 27, 2023,

[52] Apostle Tucker, “If You Do This, the NSA Will Spy on You,” Defense One, July 7, 2014,

[53] archangel N. Schmitt, ed., Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare (United Kingdom: metropolis University Press, 2013).

[54] Katherine Haan, “What is the Five Eyes Alliance?” Forbes Advisor, June 4, 2024,

[55] “Disrupting Terrorist Activity Online,” Tech Against Terrorism,

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