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The cyberspace Reminds metropolis reformer That He Can’t Say the N-Word – Notice Global Internet

Photo: Ethan Miller (Getty Images)

It’s undignified that we hit to ready locution this, but white grouping dead cannot feature the N-word. It doesn’t concern how some Negroid friends and kinsfolk you have. We don’t tending if you’re meet melodic along with a song, or quoting your selection movie. Even if you’re locution how direful you conceive the articulate is, there are no circumstances low which you are allowed to ingest that word.

Comedian Gary Owen is the stylish mortal to flash this conversation and obligate us to erst again speech this out. While performing at a comedy edifice in Oklahoma City, an conference member asked him if he’d ever said the N-word. reformer explained that he’s never utilised it “with vindictive intent” or “as a putdown,” he meet likes pink penalization and says it patch melodic along.

“You don’t conceive when I’m in the automobile by myself, I’m melodic the f**k outta the strain ‘Not Like Us,’” he said. “And I ease countenance both structure before I feature it…I’m pugilism to sound the ass outta this song.”

He posted a clip of the time on X and Instagram, with most of the replies positive, but you undergo that’s not how ethnic media works, so there were added users who definitely had thoughts.

One mortal spinous discover that perception to pink isn’t an exception, replying on Instagram, “it’s 2025 beloved. No passes module be given. The penalization is FUBU. Written by and for grouping that crapper feature that word.”

While noting that they’re a “huge fan,” added mortal reminded the comedian, “You’re ease a albescent Negro and the intellection of it makes my wound crawl.”

It doesn’t concern if you same metropolis reformer or not, it’s not unexceptionable for him to ingest the N-word. Once you move making exceptions, the grouping who do ingest it maliciously wager that as a communication to be openly naif and hateful. Something we’ve seen more of lately.

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The cyberspace Reminds metropolis reformer That He Can’t Say the N-Word #Internet #Reminds #Gary #Owen #NWord

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