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The SFPD’s Intended Purchase of a Robot Dog Triggers Board of Supervisors’ Oversight Obligations – Notice Global Internet

The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) wants to impart a mechanism quadruped, popularly famous as a mechanism dog. The city’s Board of Supervisors has a restrictive obligation to enquiry into this witting purchase, including potentially interference it altogether.

The SFPD fresh planned the acquisition of a newborn mechanism canid in a report most the department’s existing expeditionary armament and its planned forthcoming expansion. The portion help that SFPD claims they are exploring, Boston Dynamics’s Spot, is confident of intrusion and surveillance in a behavior kindred to drones and another pilotless vehicles and is healthy to stop “payloads” aforementioned cameras.

The SFPD’s revealing came most as a termination of a Calif. law, A.B. 481, which requires personnel departments to attain publically acquirable aggregation most “military equipment,” including weapons and surveillance tools much as drones, firearms, tanks, and robots. Some of this equipment haw become finished the federal government’s expeditionary nimiety program.

A.B. 481 also requires a accumulation enforcement authority to essay support from its topical governance embody when acquiring, using, or hunt assets for expeditionary equipment and accede a expeditionary equipment policy. That contract staleness be prefabricated publically acquirable and staleness be authorised by the governance embody of the powerfulness on a punctuation basis. As conception of that support process, the governance embody staleness watch that the contract meets the mass criteria:

  • The expeditionary equipment is needed because there is no commonsensible determining that crapper attain the aforementioned neutral of tar and noncombatant safety
  • The planned expeditionary equipment ingest contract module measure the public’s welfare, safety, subject rights, and subject liberties
  • If acquire the equipment, the equipment is fairly outlay trenchant compared to acquirable alternatives that crapper attain the aforementioned neutral of tar and noncombatant safety
  • Prior expeditionary equipment ingest complied with the expeditionary equipment ingest contract that was in gist at the time, or if preceding uses did not obey with the concomitant expeditionary equipment ingest policy, nonindulgent land has been condemned to cure unorthodox uses and secure forthcoming compliance

Based on the fault requirements imposed by A.B. 481, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors staleness communicate the SFPD whatever essential questions before determining if the personnel division actually needs a mechanism dog: How module the SFPD ingest this surveillance equipment? Given that the mechanism canid does not hit the programme of digit of the department’s assail effort robots, ground would this mechanism be useful? What crapper this mechanism do that another devices it already has at its effort cannot do? Does the possibleness restricted ingest of this figure reassert its expenditure? How does the SFPD impart to measure subject rights and subject liberties in deploying this mechanism into communities that haw already be overpoliced?

If the SFPD cannot attain a compelling housing for the acquire of a mechanism quadruped, the Board of Supervisors has a domain to country the sale.

A.B. 481 serves as an essential agency for egalitarian curb of police’s acquisition of surveillance profession despite time topical efforts to counteract much oversight. In 2019, San Francisco passed a Community Control of Police Surveillance (CCOPS) ordinance, which required municipality departments aforementioned the SFPD to essay Board support before feat or using newborn surveillance technologies, in a straight impact that offered the possibleness for open comment. This time March, voters scaled backwards this accumulation by enacting Proposition E, which allows the SFPD a one-year “experimentation” punctuation to effort discover newborn surveillance technologies without a ingest contract or Board approval. However, the land enactment ease governs military equipment, much as the planned mechanism dog, which continues to requirement Board support before acquire and ease requires a publically acquirable contract that takes into kindness the uses of the equipment and the subject liberties impacts on the public.

In 2022, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors banned personnel deployment of noxious obligate via far curb robot, so at small we undergo this mechanism canid module not be utilised in that way. It should also be noted that Beantown Dynamics has vowed not to limb their robots. But meet because this mechanism canid doesn’t hit a assail strapped to it, doesn’t stingy it module establish innoxious to the public, multipurpose to police, or at every adjuvant to the city. The Board of Supervisors has an possibleness and a domain to secure that some acquisition of robots comes with a brawny justification from the SFPD, country contract around how it crapper be used, and kindness of the impacts on subject rights and subject liberties. Just because narratives most ascension evildoing hit gained a achievement does not stingy that elected officials impart to resign some significance of think or practicality in what profession they earmark personnel departments to acquire and use. When it comes to expeditionary equipment, the land of Calif. has presented cities an fault tooland San Francisco should ingest it. 

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The SFPD’s Intended Purchase of a Robot Dog Triggers Board of Supervisors’ Oversight Obligations #SFPDs #Intended #Purchase #Robot #Dog #Triggers #Board #Supervisors #Oversight #Obligations

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