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This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 20) – Notice Global Web

The Data That Powers AI Is Disappearing Fast
Kevin Roose | The New royalty Times
“Over the time year, whatever of the most essential scheme sources utilised for upbringing AI models hit limited the ingest of their data, according to a think publicised this hebdomad by the Data Provenance Initiative, an MIT-led investigate group. The study, which looked at 14,000 scheme domains that are included in threesome commonly utilised AI upbringing accumulation sets, unconcealed an ’emerging crisis in consent,’ as publishers and online platforms hit condemned steps to preclude their accumulation from existence harvested.”

How One Bad CrowdStrike Update Crashed the World’s Computers
Lily Hay Newman, Matt Burgess, and Andy polyglot | Wired
“Only a containerful of nowadays in story has a azygos example of cipher managed to directly ruin machine systems worldwide. The Slammer insect of 2003. Russia’s Ukraine-targeted NotPetya cyberattack. North Korea’s self-spreading ransomware WannaCry. But the current digital hardship that rocked the internet and IT stock around the sphere over the time 12 hours appears to hit been triggered not by vindictive cipher liberated by hackers, but by the cipher fashioned to kibosh them.”

Tiny Solar-Powered Drones Could Stay in the Air Forever
Matthew Sparkes | New Scientist
“A modulation consideration meet 4 grams is the smallest solar-powered aery container to control yet, thanks to its extraordinary electricity locomote and tiny solar panels that display extremely broad voltages. Although the hummingbird-sized image exclusive operated for an hour, its makers feature their advise could termination in insect-sized drones that crapper meet in the expose indefinitely.”

How Microsoft’s Satya Nadella Became Tech’s Steely Eyed AI Gambler
Karen Weise and Cade Metz | The New royalty Times
“Though it could be eld before he knows if whatever of this genuinely pays off, Mr. Nadella sees the AI godsend as an all-in time for his consort and the rest of the school industry. He aims to attain trusty that Microsoft, which was andante to the dot-com godsend and whiffed on smartphones, dominates this newborn technology.”

Chinese Nuclear Reactor Is Completely Meltdown-Proof
Alex adventurer | New Scientist
“A large-scale thermonuclear noesis send in China is the prototypal in the concern to be completely colorfast to chanceful meltdowns, modify during a flooded expiration of outside power. …To effort this [capability in the noesis station], which became commercially effective in Dec 2023, [Zhe] Dong and his aggroup switched soured both modules of HTR-PM as they were operative at flooded power, then rhythmic and tracked how the temperature of assorted parts of the being went downbound afterwards. They institute that HTR-PM course cooled and reached a steady temperature within 35 hours after the noesis was removed.”

The AI-Powered Future of Coding Is Near
Will Knight | Wired
“I am by no effectuation a complete coder, but thanks to a liberated information called SWE-agent, I was meet healthy to debug and mend a knobbed difficulty involving a misnamed enter within assorted cipher repositories on the software-hosting place GitHub. I spinous SWE-agent at an supply on GitHub and watched as it went finished the cipher and valid most what strength be wrong. It aright observed that the stem drive of the fault was a distinction that spinous to the criminal positioning for a file, then navigated finished the project, settled the file, and revised the cipher so that everything ran properly.”

Balloons Will Surf Wind Currents to Track Wildfires
Sarah Scoles | university Technology Review
“Urban Sky aims to consortium the advantages of satellites and bomb by using relatively inexpensive high-altitude balloons that crapper control above the fray—out of the artefact of air restrictions, another aircraft, and the blast itself. The grouping doesn’t place a manlike airman at venture and has an infrared sensor grouping titled HotSpot that provides a sharp, real-time picture, with pixels 3.5 meters across.”

Here’s the Real Reason AI Companies Are Slimming Down Their Models
Mark designer | Fast Company
“OpenAI is digit of a sort of AI companies to amend a edition of its prizewinning ‘foundation’ help that trades absent whatever info for whatever pace and affordability. Such a trade-off could permit more developers noesis their apps with AI, and haw unstoppered the entranceway for more Byzantine apps same free agents in the future.”

Will Space-Based Solar Power Ever Make Sense?
Kat Friedrich | Ars Technica
“Is space-based solar noesis a costly, venturous tube dream? Or is it a viable artefact to conflict status change? Although effulgent solar noesis from expanse to Earth could finally refer transmitting gigawatts, the impact could be prefabricated astonishingly innocuous and cost-effective, according to experts from Space Solar, the dweller Space Agency, and the University of Glasgow. But we’re feat to requirement to advise substantially beyond demonstration element and cipher a sort of field challenges if we poverty to amend that potential.”

Image Credit: Edward Chou / Unsplash

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