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Trump has daylong been criticized for his communication of women. Some of his closest allies essay to inform a assorted exteroception – Notice Today Online


When spouse Huckabee Sanders visaged what she described as “relentless attacks from the left,” it was instance President Donald Trump who comforted her, she said.

Trump professional Alina Habba described the politico nominee as her “friend.”

And Kai Trump, his oldest grandchild, prefabricated a surprise appearance to deal “the lateral of my grandpa that grouping don’t ofttimes see.”

A ordinary thought rang finished speeches from women at this year’s Republican National Convention: Despite how Trump’s open communication of women may seem to some, he is an exponent for them behindhand winking doors.

In style after style in metropolis this week, women crosspiece of stilly moments when they said Trump comforted them in the consequence of Democratic attacks or media criticism, advocated for them professionally or showed mercy or inherited care. They described him as a someone and a doting ascendant and granddaddy in the moments grouping don’t see.

Trump has daylong been famous for the brash, modify vulgar artefact he sometimes speaks most women. He has also been tenacious by allegations most sexed move and illicit affairs. Accusations of sexism plagued his 2016 statesmanly campaign, a vie he won despite the Oct release of a video in which he bragged most existence healthy to clutch women by their crotch because he’s a celebrity.

In 2023, a subject court found Trump liable of sexually abusing illustrator E. Jean writer in the 1990s. The instance chair was after sequential to pay millions of dollars in restitution for his defamatory statements disparaging writer and denying her ravishment allegations.

Speeches from women, including his kinsfolk members and grouping who hit worked for him, sound into a broader try at the gathering to change his open image.

“I was insulted as a temporary at the White House Correspondents Dinner, my kinsfolk was denied assist and kicked discover of a restaurant, and a parent at my 3-year-old son’s preschool ness on my car,” Sanders, who served as digit of Trump’s White House advise secretaries, said during her Tuesday period address. “And in those moments, it was President Trump who defended me.”

Sanders, today the controller of Arkansas, said at digit saucer the instance president pulled her divagation and told her, “Sarah, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re tough, and they move you because you’re beatific at your job.”

Habba, digit of Trump’s lawyers, said she desired to verify the conference “behind the headlines” to expose “his character, his kindness” and his dedication to the country.

“President Trump championed my journey, empowering me to be who I became today,” Habba said.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s 2016 crusade trainer and White House grownup counselor, praised the instance chair for elevating women to key roles in his crusade and administration.

“He saw something in me and the added employed moms that perhaps we did not wager in ourselves,” Conway said.

Family members, from his granddaughter – who said the instance chair bragged to friends when she prefabricated the take listing – to his son’s partners mutual their individualized experiences with him.

“I undergo what you edifice discover there most Donald Trump,” Lara Trump, the instance president’s daughter-in-law and the co-chair of the politico National Committee, said in her speech. “But when I countenance at Donald Trump, I wager a wonderful father, father-in-law and, of course, granddaddy to my digit teen children, Evangelist and Carolina.”

History of sexism and move allegations

The try to reframe Trump’s communication of women was conception of a large push to soften the instance president’s ikon in the consequence of the assassination attempt terminal weekend.

“The media’s perverse acting of President Trump and his communication of women is every false,” Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s domestic advise secretary, said in a statement. “President Trump is idolized by jillions of women crossways the country, and those who undergo him personally, myself included, module verify you he’s supportive, generous, and kind.”

Leavitt additional that during Trump’s prototypal constituent he based policies such as expanding admittance to paid kinsfolk leave and female tending and that he would do so again.

Broadening the instance president’s attractiveness to women module be key in November. Biden’s success in stroke states in 2020 is imputable in conception to his stronger hold among women overturned soured by Trump’s brashness. In 2020, Biden won 57% of women, compared with 42% who hardback Trump, according to CNN opening polls.

But it’s not country whether approval of the instance president’s clannish activity module effect how grouping comprehend eld of his open behavior. Trump had visaged allegations of sexism since he wanted the politico oratory in 2016.

During a 2015 band direct debate, moderator Megyn buffoon asked then-candidate Trump most his story of referring to women he disagreed with as “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and foul animals.” He later blasted buffoon and said she had “blood reaching discover of her wherever.”

During that prototypal campaign, he insinuated that both Carly Fiorina, digit of his politico opponents, and the spouse of Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, added 2016 rival, were unattractive.

And in the test weeks of that election, older Access tone footage of him crowing most existence healthy to kiss women and clutch them by their crotch prompted accumulation denunciation from members of his possess party.

Former Secretary of State mountaineer Clinton, his 2016 Democratic opponent, argued that Trump’s instance communication of women prefabricated him subhuman to be president.

“When I conceive most what we today undergo most Donald Trump and what he has been doing for 30 years, he trusty had spent a aggregation of instance demeaning, degrading, scornful and assaulting women,” Clinton said at a Florida feat life before the election.

Clinton’s loss, and fears over what a Trump tenure would entail, prompted orbicular Women’s March protests.

Since then, added parts of his scenery hit been scrutinized. Earlier this year, Trump was institute guilty of 34 felony counts of determination playing records to counterbalance up an questionable illicit intimacy with a porn star. And then there is Carroll’s allegement that Trump sexually insulted her in a wealth division accumulation intermixture shack in the outflow of 1996. Trump visaged no slammer instance in the subject trial, but he was sequential to country $88 meg amount for defamation.

Trump has denied the intimacy at the edifice of the quiesce money housing and denied assaulting Carroll.

The instance chair has also denied most a dozen other sexed move allegations, including incertain and sexed harassment, that took locate before he took office. In 2017, Trump titled the claims “fake news.”

Sanders, the White House advise helper at the time, was asked whether the White House’s authorised function was that every the women were lying.

“Yeah, we hit been country on that from the beginning, and the chair has uttered on it,” she said at an Oct 2017 advise briefing.

For such of the 2024 campaign, Democrats hit convergent their criticisms of Trump on his policies, specifically his designation of Supreme Court justices who voted to reverse federal failure protections. But as President Joe Biden has visaged accumulated push within his possess band to travel aside, he has started to alter his attacks. During a feat in city early this month, Biden referenced both the quiesce money housing and the subject housing involving Carroll.

“Mr. Trump raped her,” Biden said, referencing what the determine in the writer housing wrote.

In Milwaukee, however, Trump’s malefactor cases were framed as boost grounds of persecution he’s suffered for his supporters.

“Every move on President Trump exclusive strengthens our movement,” said Habba, who represented Trump in the writer disparagement suit. “Sham indictments and idle allegations module not counsel us, because the exclusive evildoing President Trump has sworn is doting America.”

This head has been updated.

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Trump has daylong been criticized for his communication of women. Some of his closest allies essay to inform a assorted exteroception #Trump #long #criticized #treatment #women #closest #allies #seek #present #vision

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