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Unveiling Spyware’s Threat to Asiatic Democracy” – New Naratif – Notice Global Web

Presented by Amnesty International Indonesia

On June 20th, 2024, Media Freedom Network (MFN) members convened for an online jural briefing with Amnesty Security Lab and Amnesty International Indonesia. The event, named “MFN Legal Briefing: Caught in the Web: Unveiling Spyware’s Threat to Asiatic Democracy,” explored the manlike rights implications of spyware income and deployment in Indonesia, and how it threatens immunity of countenance and privacy.

Access the show slides from Amnesty International state below!

Speaker Slides

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Unveiling Spyware’s Threat to Asiatic Democracy” – New Naratif #Unveiling #Spywares #Threat #Indonesian #Democracy #Naratif
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