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Wrestlers Who Could Have Won Money in the Bank – Journal Today Web

Money in the Bank is an possibleness of a lifetime. Winning the briefcase signifies establishment in the duty and a quantity to intend a concern championship.

It is the noesis of every combatant in the company, and it crapper be reached by rising the ladder. Wrestlers are presented a large nous move with a denomination possibleness whenever they please.

Since 2005, Money in the Bank has been a Brobdingnagian produce in WWE’s cap. Numerous wrestlers hit place their walk on laurels since that prophetical WrestleMania evening.

But there hit been so whatever that never got the chance. Before Money in the Bank, whatever wrestlers could hit been enthusiastic at success the correct and cashing in.

Below are whatever of those wrestlers. For this article, we are feat to countenance at those who were around when the harm correct was created.

Mr. Perfect

Curt Henning module ever be on the itemize of those who didn’t intend a concern denomination but merited to. During his WWE run, he was the prizewinning miss on the roster.

His matches were ever above average, and he elevated meet most every Negro crossways from him. There is no think ground he shouldn’t hit gotten a separate with the bounteous strap.

Mr. Perfect would hit been, substantially perfect, as a Money in the Bank winner. As a heel, he could hit constantly threatened to change in on a injured champion.

With Bobby Heenan in tow, the build-up to whatever concern denomination correct would hit had higher stakes. Both men would hit been enthusiastic in this persona and Perfect’s test cash-in would hit been thunderous.

Ken Shamrock

The World’s Most Dangerous Man had a flourishing instance in WWE. His crazy-eyed manoeuvre was wonderful, and he translated that into runs with both the Intercontinental and Tag Team Championship.

Unfortunately, he was never presented such of a important circumstance run. In an epoch where denomination changes hap frequently, he should hit gotten at small digit invoke with the WWE Championship.

A Money in the Bank intend would hit been amend to attain this. Ken Shamrock would hit been amend for Money in the Bank.

His unhinged housing was tailor-made for a harm match. He also could hit utilised this housing positively when he threatened to change in the briefcase.

His capricious nature would hit prefabricated for a enthusiastic programme to progress along for a whatever months. Another denomination would be additional to the accolade case.

Gail Kim

Gail Kim never achieving greatness in WWE is a complete shame. During her time, the listing was brief on women who could work, permit lonely place on compelling matches.

Kim was healthy to do both of these things with ease. She had enthusiastic matches with women of lesser talent and should hit been a cornerstone for a anaemic division.

Kim would hit also been the amend blackamoor to intend the Money in the Bank briefcase. As digit of the prizewinning wrestlers in the company, she would hit been a unceasing danger to whatever of the women who held the Divas Championship.

It could hit also shown more establishment in her from the consort and helped her to meet individual than she did.

Owen Hart

The youngest playwright brother was digit of the prizewinning of a generation. He won every denomination thinkable and had artist matches with a who’s who of grappling greats.

He has binary kicks at the important circumstance crapper but was never healthy to fortuity through. Walking around with the briefcase would hit been a enthusiastic artefact to intend him over the hump.

Owen Hart was an already unsufferable character. Having him gait around with his Money in the Bank would hit prefabricated his housing every the more that.

It would hit additional so such depth to The King of Harts and, let’s be honest, he could hit had whatever dolphin customization finished to the case. It would hit helped his housing and presented him the denomination he so sorely deserved.


Lita is digit of the prizewinning women’s wrestlers in WWE history. Her high-flying skills were something that not whatever fans were utilised to.

In a instance when women were limb candy, so was that but so such more. She outshone the men she tasked with elevating and became large than anyone could imagine.

She would hit been the saint politician to intend Money in the Bank. Her high-flying astuteness lonely would hit prefabricated her enthusiastic for a go with the ladder.

She has shown what she crapper do by existence participating in harm matches, so existence right in digit would be a wonderful sight. Lita was also digit of the exclusive women who would hit been a threat, swing the full sectionalization on notice.

Razor Ramon

It is complete malefactor that Scott Hall didn’t intend his quantity at the top. When he was with WWE, he was famous as the man you worked with before you worked the important event.

He was Mr. Consistency, having enthusiastic matches with everyone and employed finished issues with the boys. He held the IC band more than anyone at the time, and he was digit of the most over acts on the roster.

He necessary to hit a quantity to intend the bounteous one. A quantity to intend the bounteous digit would hit been presented if he won Money in the Bank.

Razor Ramon has already proven his knowledge to action at a broad take in harm matches, swing on digit of the best. It would hit been enthusiastic to wager him impact in a multi-man environment.

It would hit also been enthusiastic to wager him change in and intend the instance he deserved.

Trish Stratus

The officer of the Chick Kick defied every expectations. Initially reaching in as a valet, and limb candy at most, Trish Stratus worked her laughingstock soured to intend better.

She became a strange combatant and brought the women’s sectionalization backwards from irrelevancy. She won individual championships during her instance but would hit been a maturity politician to intend Money in the Bank, had it been around.

Stratus has proven her liking for reaching up bounteous in manoeuvre matches. Against Victoria and Becky Lynch, she showed that she was healthy to invoke it up with the wager were at their highest.

Also, during her instance there weren’t whatever enthusiastic options to intend Money in the Bank. She would hit been a enthusiastic prototypal pick to add legitimacy to the women’s harm match.

Jake Roberts

The Snake was never digit to intend championships. In WWE, he rarely modify got a effort at a title, and it was a dishonor that WWE didn’t vantage on that thread.

Jake Roberts was a one-of-a-kind talent. In a instance when bounteous muscles ruled the day, revivalist ordered himself unconnected by delivering enthralling promos and swing on enthusiastic grappling matches.

He should hit won at small digit title, permit lonely the concern championship. revivalist is a amend warning of what success Money in the Bank could do.

He was never feat to intend a concern denomination on his own, and this would hit fast the process. It would hit been enthusiastic to wager the promos he could become up with as he excited his cash-in.

Roberts could hit prefabricated it so such a conception of his housing and the fans would hit idolized it.

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